The PassAMC Blog

What's included in a PassAMC Subscription? ai amc app exam preparation mcq mock assessment online community part 1 passamc academy sample questions & scenarios virtual tutor Mar 04, 2024

PassAMC is in partnership with AMA CPD Home. Crated by a Current AMC Examiner, the PassAMC Examiners have more than 50 years combined of national assessment and educational experience.


With the PassAMC Package you get:

  • PassAMC App the only AMC MCQ Provider to feature a...
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Choosing the right AMC MCQ exam preparation course amc app exam preparation mcq part 1 recalls sample questions & scenarios Feb 10, 2024

There are lots of AMC MCQ examination preparation providers. Knowing which one to choose is key.


At PassAMC, we understand that simply knowing medicine is often not enough to pass high stakes medical exams. We also understand that candidates often need to guess what's in the...

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A Clinical Scenario Analysis of the AMC MCQ amc exam preparation key feature paper (kfp) mcq part 1 sample questions & scenarios Feb 10, 2024

Let’s think to when we showed you how exams are set and written. We mentioned that modern curricula have plenty of non-clinical aspects within them, as part of the broader professional remits of being an Australian doctor.


Let’s take another look at the RACGP...

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A sample AMC MCQ question broken down amc exam preparation mcq part 1 sample questions & scenarios Feb 10, 2024

Broadly speaking, they come in one form:

-the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) format.

There is a brief case (maximum one-two paragraphs long), a lead in question, and a choice of five answers. They test all aspects of being a doctor, including history, examination, investigation,...

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