A Clinical Scenario Analysis of the AMC MCQ

amc exam preparation key feature paper (kfp) mcq part 1 sample questions & scenarios Feb 10, 2024
A Doctor reviewing a Clinical Scenario Analysis of the AMC MCQ

Let’s think to when we showed you how exams are set and written. We mentioned that modern curricula have plenty of non-clinical aspects within them, as part of the broader professional remits of being an Australian doctor.


Let’s take another look at the RACGP Curriculum Domains 2022 - Accessed here -

  1. Communication skills and the patient-doctor relationship
  2. Applied professional skills and knowledge.
  3. Population health and the context of general practice
  4. Professional and ethical role
  5. Organisational and legal dimensions
  6. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
  7. Rural Health 


Look at the bold parts – lots and lots of non-clinical domains, all ripe for testing. If you hadn’t known this, you may have not revised for this, and as such you’d be going in potentially not knowing a large swathe of the curriculum...


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