The PassAMC Blog

What is the standard of the AMC Examinations? amc amc fail rate amc pass mark amc preparation amc questions amc standard amc structure exam fail Apr 22, 2024

According to the AMC, the standard of the AMC examinations is formally defined as the level of attainment of medical knowledge, clinical skills and attitudes which is required of newly qualified graduates of Australian medical schools, who are about to commence intern training.



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Exam feedback reports: how to not fail the AMC MCQ Exam amc exam fail exam feedback report exam preparation mcq part 1 recalls Feb 10, 2024

The exam feedback reports are rich with tips and advice on how to not fail the AMC MCQ Exam. They are also very long, so here at PassAMC we have taken the liberty of summarising the most common pitfalls and and how to avoid them.



This is what to do:

  • Read the case.
  • Then read the...
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Approaching the AMC MCQ exams after a failed attempt amc exam fail exam feedback report exam preparation mcq part 1 Feb 10, 2024

If we had a $1 coin for every time, we hear about a brilliant registrar failing their exams without reason, we would almost never need to work again. The story is chillingly similar each time: brilliant in every sense, a knowledgeable and outstanding doctor, loved by their patients and...

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