The PassAMC Blog

Excelling at Procedural Questions amc amc pass amc preparation amc recall paper clincial clinical exam procedures recalls Jun 30, 2024

Procedural questions are an interesting kettle of fish. Many people struggle with them. The reasons are varied - they haven't done the procedure before, or they often have done the procedure so much that it becomes second nature - stopping to then explain it can be tricky, let alone in a way...

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Clinical Exams and "Random Questions" amc amc recall paper clincial clinical exam part 2 recalls Jun 23, 2024

College clinical examinations have a notorious reputation for being "random" and "not assessing things that matter". But why is this? 

Well, it comes down to what the "examiners" aka Colleges think is important vs what we think is important. We might feel that purely clinical medicine is...

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How to Answer Abstract and Weird MCQ Questions amc amc preparation amc recall paper difficult questions mcq bank Jun 09, 2024
Sometimes, some MCQ questions are just plain weird. Case in example - consider this hypothetical question:
Jenny Epworth, a 23-year-old individual, returns for...
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How are exams marked and how is the pass mark set? amc amc fail rate amc pass mark amc preparation amc recall paper amc standard May 20, 2024

The answer lies in an academic construct called the Angoff Method.


Put simply, from the moment your exam is set there are four key processes:

  • The answer grid proposed by the authors of the exam is tweaked to make sure that it works in real life.
  • The examiners then set a mark against any...
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What books should I read to prepare for the AMC Exams? amc amc guidelines amc pass mark amc questions amc recall paper May 09, 2024

The AMC recommends a variety of sources:

Devitt P, Barker J, Mitchell J and Hamilton-Craig C. Clinical Problems In General Medicine, 2nd edn. Churchill Livingstone, 2003, ISN 0443073236.

Edwards C and Bouchier IA (eds). Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, 18th edn....

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What tasks do you have to do for the AMC Examinations? amc amc guidelines amc preparation amc questions amc recall paper amc tasks May 06, 2024

According to the AMC, the exams will test a series of tasks:


Data Gathering [up to 23.5% of the scored items]

  • History taking, mental status examination, physical examination, laboratory testing, imaging, other investigations, and clinical reasoning.



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Should I use an AMC Recall Paper? amc amc fail rate amc preparation amc recall paper amc standard May 02, 2024

There are lots of free recall papers available. However should you use them?


According to the AMC, the AMC has found the question stems and responses to be incorrect. Candidates who base their preparation on such reconstructed papers may have a distorted impression of the format...

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