What tasks do you have to do for the AMC Examinations?

amc amc guidelines amc preparation amc questions amc recall paper amc tasks May 06, 2024
Passing AMC MCQ Exam Part 1

According to the AMC, the exams will test a series of tasks:


Data Gathering [up to 23.5% of the scored items]

  • History taking, mental status examination, physical examination, laboratory testing, imaging, other investigations, and clinical reasoning.


Data Interpretation and Synthesis [up to 29% of the scored items]

  • Interpretation and synthesis of gathered data. Clinical reasoning, problem identification, setting priorities and risk stratification. Formulation of differential and specific diagnosis, causes and associations with presenting conditions.


Management [up to 35% of the scored items]

  • Education and health promotion, counselling, psychotherapy, drug and non- drug therapy (including fluid and electrolyte therapy), surgical interventions, radiological interventions, drug interactions and complications, cessation of therapy, rehabilitation, palliative care, interdisciplinary management, family and community care.


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