Let's See What's Included With



The Ultimate GP Examination Platform

ACRRM MCQ & STAMPS Question Bank

Access to more than 2500 examination-grade MCQ & STAMPS questions covering  the ACRRM curriculum, with topics such as clinical governance, professionalism, population health and so much more.

Practice on your terms, with four distinct modes:

  • Practice - work through the exam bank at your own pace.
  • Focus - focus on one category of disease.
  • Mock Exam - get yourself ready with exam conditions.
  • Bespoke - with question keyword search.
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AMC MCQ Question Bank

PassGP AI Virtual Tutor

Discover the power of the PassGP AI Virtual Tutor - a personalised learning experience using state-of-the-art adaptive learning technology to guide you as your AI Virtual Tutor

So easy to use - simply chat to the Tutor as you would with a human tutor.

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PassGP Academy 

The PassGP Academy is the ultimate resource to master the perfect approach to the exams.

With over 20 articles, you will master:

  1. How exams are set, written and marked.
  2. The Medical Statistics 101 crash course.
  3. References – and which ones to use.
  4. How to approach difficult and complex non-clinical cases, with many specific topics worked through.
  5. How to master examination technique to avoid failing unnecessarily.
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PassAMC Academy
The PassAMC App

The PassGP App

We understand that you need PassGP to be fully accessible from any setting, and whenever you have a spare second in the day – whether it be in the bus, at work or even on the beach. 

At PassGP, we have invested heavily to deliver PassGP on a fully immersive, dynamic and sophisticated online experience. PassGP is fully optimised to work from all settings, and is computer, tablet, and mobile friendly with the PassGP App, so that your life does not need to stop whilst you undertake your exam preparation.

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PassGP Online Interactive Community

With PassGP you won't be alone.

Provide advice to difficult and controversial cases, share ideas about revision, raise queries to the PassGP Examiners, or simply connect with your colleagues.

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PassAMC Online Interactive Community
Coaching and Tuition with the PassAMC Expert Examiners

One-to-One and Small Group Teaching

Receive bespoke 1:1 and/or small group teaching with the PassGP Expert Examiners. Feel free to ask whatever is on your mind.

Unlike other providers which host didactic webinars, our sessions are tailored around you. With PassGP, you are in charge.

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The PassGP Promise

Pass your exams first time or 20% off future subscriptions forever until you pass.

Simply email [email protected] with your examination result if you fail your medical licensing examination and have held a PassGP subscription for six or more months. We've got you.

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The PassAMC Promise

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