Doctors preparing for AMC MCQ exam

We are different at PassAMC.


We are Former AMC Examiners - we understand the AMC Examinations.

Ahmed's passion was always to become an Australian GP.

Fast forward two years and his dream career is turning into a nightmare. He is an outstanding doctor in Qatar but has now failed the AMC exam three times. 

He knows he is a great doctor. Yet he feels ashamed and lonely. He has tried all the recall papers, and yet keeps failing.

We get you.

We understand the heartbreak of failing an exam, with no apparent reason.

As former examiners, we’ve seen many candidates fail their exams simply due to exam technique. 

With PassGP you are not alone - we are in it together.

Let us show you proper examination technique, so that you can pass first time.

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Meet the PassAMC Examiners

Associate Professor GEORGE ESKANDER


Associate Professor George Eskander MBChB(Hons), FACHSM, CHE, FRACGP (2015), MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG, MAICD is a former AMC Examiner, former PLAB Examiner and former RACGP National Assessment Advisor for the KFP Examination.

He has extensive experience as a Former Chief Examiner, having examined for the AMC, PLAB and RACGP examinations. He has further examined for the AKT, CCE, former OSCE, CAAKT and SJT examinations, with more than a decade of national examination experience.

He is father to two very cheeky boys, and when not at work can be found playing endless games of hide and seek whilst pretending to lose for hours on end.

Associate Professor George Eskander
Dr Mena Mark Guirguis



Dr Mena Mark Guirguis is an experienced Specialist GP. He is a former General Medical Council (GMC) PLAB Examiner, leads Medical Student Teaching affiliated with the University of Liverpool, and trains GP Registrars as part of the Warrington Regional Training Scheme.

Mena has a passion in helping trainees reach their potential and passing their high-stakes exams. He is a father of one beautiful daughter, and understands how hard it can be to serve clinically, whilst also being a family man. 

His best friend once accidentally glued his daughter’s eye shut - somehow they remain friends.



Dr Ricky Arenson is a highly respected and caring Endocrinologist and Geriatrician, with a passion for teaching. He dual trained in Endocrinology and Geriatric Medicine in WA, and relocated to Melbourne in early 2024. 

He has been running the annual WA FRACP Physician clinical exam teaching course for the last decade. He is developing an innovative Diploma of Medical Leadership.

He also finds time to spend with his wife, 4 children, and tennis racket.

Dr Ricky Arenson
Dr Saleh Jawad



Dr Saleh Jawad is a GP registrar in the south of London where he serves as the Chief Registrar of his vocational training scheme. He is an award-winning published researcher in the field of medical education, having presented his work internationally including to members of the Houses of Parliament.

Dr Jawad’s passion for medical education and leadership has been exemplified by his past roles including serving as a representative of the FMLM, a scholar of The Healthcare Leadership Academy, and through various positions within the British Medical Association.

He is pursuing a postgraduate certificate in Strategic Leadership and Multi-professional Education in Healthcare.

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