The PassAMC Blog

What are non-clinical cases in the AMC MCQ Exam? amc amc guidelines amc pass mark amc preparation amc standard curriculum May 27, 2024

Modern curricula have plenty of non-clinical aspects within them, as part of the broader professional remits of being a doctor working in Australia.


 There are lots of non-clinical domains, all ripe for testing. If you hadn’t known this, you may have not revised for this, and as...

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How are exams set and written? amc amc guidelines amc pass mark amc preparation amc standard curriculum May 13, 2024

Now that we have convinced you (hopefully!) of the need to understand how to play the rules of the game, it Is worth knowing about how exams are set and written, because with a little consideration of the academics you can start to formulate what might and might not feature on an exam.



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