What will they test in the AMC Examinations?

amc amc fail rate amc guidelines amc pass mark amc preparation amc questions amc standard Apr 29, 2024

According to the AMC, the marks are assigned according to the following weightings:

  • Adult health - Medicine [30% of scored items]
  • Adult health - Surgery [20% of scored items]
  • Women’s health [12.5% of scored items]
  • Child health [12.5% of scored items]
  • Mental health [12.5% of scored items]
  • Population health and Ethics [12.5% of scored items]


This means that you must know the whole curriculum to pass - and not just one area.


The AMC examination is designed as a comprehensive test of medical knowledge, clinical competency and performance. Both MCQ and clinical assessments are multidisciplinary and integrated.

At PassAMC, our senior expert examiners will teach you all that you need to know for the AMC exams.


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